Workshop Examining Character: Playing Children Tickets and Dates

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More Information about Workshop Examining Character: Playing Children

Examining Character: Playing Children

One of the most misused character types in Impro is the child. In our attempt to connect with our inner child through adult make-believe play, we seem to over-correct and forget that children can be autonomous, intelligent, three-dimensional and fully-formed human beings who experience emotions and have opinions. This workshop will explore how we can interpret child characters of different ages and levels of independence.

WORKSHOP - Theatre

Language: English

Levels: IN + AV/PF

IN - IMPRO BEGINNER: People who already have some experience with Impro courses and/or performances.
AV/PF - ADVANCED/PROFESSIONAL IN IMPRO: People with a few years' experience and/or a career in Impro.

Day/Time: 27/07 (Saturday) from 14:00 to 17:00 

Venue: Alcântara Library  
(R. José Dias Coelho 27 - 29, 1300-327 - Lisbon)

About Nora McLeese:
Nora has been teaching and directing Impro for years. She currently teaches all levels of Impro at Easylaughs in Amsterdam, where she also develops new courses and curricula. Through Easylaughs and Tag Out Theatre, she has developed and directed new Impro formats. One of them is the Bowl Format, which has been presented at several international Impro festivals, most recently at the Auckland Improv Festival 2023. She loves helping players grow through her teaching and find spontaneity through her direction.