Workshop Jogo De Posições Na Impro Tickets and Dates

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More Information about Workshop Jogo De Posições Na Impro

Positional Play in Impro

Positional Play in Impro (or how Bielsa influences my work): Lines, diagonals, triangles, formations, positions... these concepts can be applied to impro as well as football. In this workshop we will incorporate the concepts of space, focus, balance and staging to create stronger and more powerful images.

WORKSHOP - Theatre

Language: English 

Levels: AV/PF

AV/PF - ADVANCED/PROFESSIONAL IN IMPRO: People with a few years' experience and/or a career in Impro.

Day/Time: 27/07 (Saturday) from 09:00 to 12:00 

Venue: Alcântara Library  
(R. José Dias Coelho 27 - 29, 1300-327 - Lisbon)

About Feña Ortalli:
Feña Ortalli began his acting career in 2001. In 2006 he created Global Impro, an Impro troupe dedicated to national and international collaboration and exchange. He currently lives in Madrid, where he performs and teaches regularly. He takes part in various festivals and international tours with his shows and workshops all over the world. He is the founder and director of Status Impro magazine (2011); and author of the book Impro: Dinámica de lo impensado (2018). Since 2001 he has worked in more than 70 cities.