Workshop Mixed Team - Cinema Mudo Tickets and Dates

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More Information about Workshop Mixed Team - Cinema Mudo

MIXED TEAM: Workshop with Show!
*Mixed Teams participants sign up for the workshops and perform at the Festival on the same day as the cast of the show.


Cinema Mudo is a super fun improvised narrative and an original show. In this Mixed Team, we'll learn the narrative rhythms of silent cinema, explore silent film styles and expand emotional and physical techniques to experience the intensified acting of silent films. We'll perform solo and duo scenes under white light, while playing piano music from the 1920s.

WORKSHOP - Theatre and Physicality

Language: Portuguese and English (with the presence of a translator)

Levels: AG + IN + AV/PF

AG - ARTISTS IN GENERAL: Professional Artists or Artists in Training with no specific experience in Impro.
IN - IMPRO BEGINNER: People who already have some experience with Impro courses and/or performances.

AV/PF - ADVANCED/PROFESSIONAL IN IMPRO: People with a few years' experience and/or a career in Impro.

Day/Time: 27/07 (Saturday) from 14:00 to 17:00 

Location: Santo Amaro Academy - Alcântara  
(R. Academia Recreativa de Santo Amaro 9, 1300-001 - Lisbon)

About Jonathan Pitts:
Jonathan Pitts is an award-winning international improviser (director, performer, producer, teacher) and storyteller who has taught and/or performed in 26 countries and over 100 cities. He co-created the Chicago Improv Festival, which he produced for 20 years. He taught at The Second City for 16 years. He has performed more than 1,000 improvised shows. He has also created three improvised plays, The Oracle", Storybox and Silent Movie.